About the Journal
Journal organizers:
- "PARALLAX IT CLUB" Limited Liability Company
- Yakhshiboev Rustam Erkinboy ugli - Tashkent State University of Economics, Department of Finance and Digital Economy, associate professor
Type: Scientific-Electronic Journal
Journal Name: Pioneering Studies and Theories
Volume and Frequency: Articles are published as an electronic collection once per quarter
Year Established: 22.01.2025
ISSN: 3060-5105
The Pioneering Studies and Theories international scientific journal accepts articles in the following fields:
08.00.00 – Economic Sciences
05.00.00 – Technical Sciences
13.00.00 – Pedagogical Sciences
Goals and Objectives: The INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-ELECTRONIC JOURNAL "PIONEERING STUDIES AND THEORIES" publishes the results of scientific research conducted by professors and educators from educational institutions, as well as independent researchers within our Republic, in the form of scholarly articles. Additionally, the journal includes scientific articles authored by employees of international and other scientific institutions, production organizations, and enterprises within our Republic who are engaged in research activities.
Article Submission Deadline: During the first month of each quarter.
Language of Submission: English
Publication Date: During the third month of each quarter
Official Website: www.pstjournal.uz
Telegram Channel: https://t.me/pst_journal